Folks, the Young Bucks did it again! At AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam, they faced off against Will Ospreay and Kyle Fletcher in what can only be described as a tag team tornado of flips, kicks, and more near-countouts than an episode of Judge Judy. The Bucks, Nicholas and Matthew (because we’re feeling formal), successfully defended their AEW Tag Team Championships, but not without Ospreay and Fletcher taking them to the limit—like, to infinity and beyond levels of “the limit.”

It all kicked off with Nicholas Jackson and Will Ospreay going head-to-head, but before you could even sip your overpriced arena soda, everyone was in the ring throwing haymakers like it was the end of a “Fast & Furious” movie. The Bucks got the early edge, knocking their challengers down, but Ospreay and Fletcher fired back with moonsaults from the top rope that left fans thinking, “How is gravity not a factor for these guys?”

Once the action returned inside the ropes, the Bucks hit Ospreay with a senton-powerbomb combo, only for Fletcher to dive in and break up the pinfall, because why not keep things chaotic? Ospreay responded by dropping a Double Os-Cutter on both Bucks, only for Matthew to recover faster than expected and serve up a Canadian Destroyer, as one does. But Ospreay, never one to stay down long, delivered a Hidden Blade that had Matthew reconsidering his life choices.

The Bucks managed to land a devastating TK Driver to Fletcher on the apron—a move so painful it had the crowd collectively clutching their spines in sympathy. As Ospreay lay sprawled out, the count began, and it looked like Fletcher and Ospreay were done for, but Fletcher, showing Olympic-level hustle, dove back into the ring at the count of nine.

Ospreay and Fletcher weren’t finished, though—they unleashed an absolute storm of offense on the Bucks, only for Nicholas and Matthew to kick out at the most heart-stopping moments. Fletcher hit a Brainbuster on Matthew that could’ve been the end, but Nicholas, never one to miss out on the action, broke up the pin and rolled out of the ring. Then came the turning point: Fletcher took flight for a dive to the outside and nailed Nicholas.

Meanwhile, AEW’s resident chaos agent, Don Callis, who was offering his expert commentary, tried to hand Fletcher a screwdriver—because, in pro wrestling, hardware stores double as strategy centers. But Ospreay, ever the honorable man, stopped Fletcher from going full “DIY disaster.” This opened the door for the Bucks, who nailed Fletcher with a championship belt, hit him with a barrage of superkicks, and capped it off with a BTE Trigger, ensuring that the Bucks keep their shiny tag team belts.

The Young Bucks proved once again that if you’re going to beat them, you better bring more than just your “A” game—you better bring an entire alphabet of moves, and even that might not be enough.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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