Folks, we’ve all heard the rumors: The Lucha Brothers—Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo—are supposedly packing their bags and heading to the land of suplexes and headlocks… AKA WWE. It’s the wrestling world’s version of “Will they? Won’t they?” with more flips and face paint than a soap opera. But before we all start imagining Penta hitting a Canadian Destroyer on top of Roman Reigns’ head, let’s take a deep breath—because, surprise surprise, they haven’t signed anything. Yet.

Now, back in early August, word hit the streets that these masked marvels were planning their great AEW escape. The wrestling world exploded like a botched powerbomb, with fans sure that WWE was already setting up the red carpet. On Thursday, Cory Hays of PWNexus seemed to drop the mic, claiming The Lucha Brothers had officially inked a multi-year deal with WWE. The wrestling world collectively raised an eyebrow, did a double-take, and probably refreshed their browsers a dozen times. Were we about to see Penta and Fenix tearing it up on Raw?

Well, pump the brakes, because it turns out that report might have been jumping the gun like a luchador diving off the top rope. Fightful Select and Pro Wrestling Insider swooped in with some cold, hard facts—facts that even a hurricanrana can’t dodge. According to their sources, the Lucha Brothers are still probably WWE-bound, but there’s been no pen-to-paper moment yet. WWE folks are saying, “Hey, Fenix is still under contract to AEW,” while AEW, in classic AEW fashion, is keeping tight-lipped about the whole thing.

The good news? There’s strong interest on both sides. The bad news? Legally, nobody can sign anything until those contracts are up. It’s like we’re all watching a reality show where the finale keeps getting delayed.

Fightful reports that WWE and AEW have yet to respond to inquiries, probably because both companies are busy plotting world domination—or at least trying to figure out where to put all those extra championship belts. In the meantime, Cory Hays clarified his earlier “announcement” with a classic, “I never technically said they signed.” Ah, the ol’ “read the fine print” move. Hays went on to explain that conversations have been had and merch plans are already in motion. Because why wait for contracts when you can get those sweet, sweet action figures rolling off the production line?

A quick Q&A revealed that Fenix’s AEW deal is set to expire this month, and according to Hays, Tony Khan isn’t tacking on any injury time. You can almost hear the WWE merch team sharpening their pencils as we speak.

In the ring? Well, the Lucha Brothers have been MIA. Penta hasn’t stepped foot in an AEW ring since July 19 on Rampage, and Fenix hasn’t seen action since July 20 on Collision. At this point, neither man has wrestled in over a month. Are they just resting up for a big debut elsewhere, or are they binge-watching Netflix like the rest of us?

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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