Folks, brace yourselves! The wrestling world is buzzing like a superkick to the face—AEW is this close to sealing a huge media rights deal with Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD), and it’s all about to get real. According to reports (because, of course, we have reports), the ink is nearly dry, and the wrestling world might just get the official announcement next week. That’s right—next week! Put it on your calendars, folks. Or don’t, because we all know how these things go.

So what’s the scoop? Well, the report, courtesy of Puck, says AEW’s deal with WBD will be a four-year partnership, with a bonus fourth year just in case things go as smoothly as a Chris Jericho promo. The kicker? This deal is rumored to be worth around $170 million per year. You heard that right—per year. That’s more zeroes than a botched ladder match spot!

And it gets better (or worse, if you’re the guy counting the money). The deal would bring AEW’s top-tier wrestling action to TNT, TBS, and TruTV twice a week. That’s right, not just one channel, not just two—three channels. Clearly, WBD is taking “more bang for your buck” to a whole new level.

But wait, there’s more drama! Apparently, AEW isn’t just cozying up to WBD. No, no, Tony Khan’s got another dance partner in his sights—Fox. Yes, that Fox. AEW has reportedly been in talks for a new show called “AEW Shockwave,” a title that sounds like a caffeinated energy drink but promises to bring, well, a shockwave of wrestling goodness to the masses. Fox, however, isn’t the only one on AEW’s speed dial; they’re pitching this baby to other broadcast channels too. What a time to be alive!

But don’t get too comfortable. WBD’s been juggling a bit of their own legal drama, especially after Amazon Prime pulled the ol’ steel chair and snagged their NBA media rights. So while AEW’s new deal with WBD is close to final, it’s been delayed slightly. After all, nothing says “wrestling business” like a little backstage chaos, right?

Keep your eyes peeled, folks, because if this deal goes down, it’s going to be huge. Like, $170 million-per-year huge. And that’s just the beginning. Stay tuned, because the AEW-WBD saga is shaping up to be more exciting than a cage match on live TV.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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