Folks, it looks like WWE Raw General Manager Adam Pearce has finally had enough of the Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed wrecking crew. After weeks of mayhem, destruction, and, yes, a human projectile, Pearce took to social media to announce that both big men will face some serious consequences after their latest chaotic encounter.

In case you missed it, during their most recent Raw showdown, Bronson Reed didn’t just throw fists—he tossed an entire fan at Strowman like he was trying to win an Olympic event. And, of course, chaos ensued. Strowman’s now-signature destruction of golf carts, walls, and WWE’s finest production equipment didn’t help either. In response, Pearce took a deep breath (probably) and posted, “Bronson Reed has been fined a massive undisclosed amount for plucking an adult human male from the Portland audience and firing him at Braun Strowman. Both men have been fined an equal undisclosed amount for destroying walls, golf carts, production equipment, and my sanity.

That’s right—Adam Pearce is handing out fines like Oprah hands out cars. You get a fine, you get a fine, everybody gets a fine! However, it seems like the fines don’t bother Strowman, who chimed in with a comment that reads, “Worth it.” The Monster Among Men clearly enjoyed the chaos, but Bronson Reed was less amused, responding with a few choice middle finger emojis directed at Strowman, signaling that this feud is far from over.

WWE’s upcoming Bad Blood Premium Live Event is just a few weeks away, and let’s be honest, this is the definition of a bad blood scenario. So, while no match has been announced just yet, don’t be surprised if these two end up tearing down the house (again) on October 5.

One thing’s for sure—this rivalry isn’t cooling off anytime soon, and Pearce might want to stock up on aspirin, because things are bound to get even more chaotic from here.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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