Folks, I’ve seen some close calls, but Mariah May, the AEW Women’s Champion and the finest example of “Glamour” since mirrors were invented, narrowly escaped AEW Dynamite with her title intact. It was her first defense since prying that precious gold from former mentor and Timeless Wonder herself, Toni Storm, in front of a packed Wembley crowd. But on this fine evening, it was Nyla Rose, “The Native Beast,” who showed up ready to make May’s reign as short as a Florida vacation during a hurricane warning.

Things started like most wrestling matches — with violence. May, apparently deciding that slapping around a beast was a good idea, quickly learned that Nyla Rose isn’t one to take a slap lying down. Rose, unamused by May’s antics, hoisted the champ up for a Death Valley Driver like she was loading groceries into a trunk. But May, ever the slippery Glamour Queen, wriggled free. Rose decided to return the favor with a crossbody that could’ve flattened a small car, and even threw in a bit of mocking. Clearly, Nyla was reading from the “Petty Wrestler’s Handbook” that evening.

Rose’s next move involved trying to drape May over the top rope, probably to hang her out to dry, but May, proving that beauty and brains can coexist, countered with a dropkick. A brief flurry of offense followed from May, including an elbow strike that would make your grandmother proud. But before May could book her victory lap, Rose hit back with a German suplex that probably sent May’s glam squad into cardiac arrest, and a clothesline so vicious it may have been outlawed in some states.

May then tried to channel her inner Rey Mysterio with a crossbody, but Nyla caught her like she was playing a twisted game of human basketball. The powerslam that followed left the Glamour Queen seeing stars — probably her own reflection. Rolling out of the ring, May clung to referee Aubrey Edwards like a cat being taken to the vet, while Rose lined up to continue the onslaught. But folks, the champ had a trick up her sequined sleeve: playing possum. With a leg sweep that would make a WWE Diva blush, May sent Rose crashing into the ring steps.

May followed up with a running knee, and though Rose managed to beat the 10-count, she couldn’t escape May’s finishing touch. A second knee to the face, followed by a Storm Zero that had to feel like Toni Storm was haunting Rose from a distance, sealed the deal.

After the match, Mariah May strutted around with her title, looking as glamorous as ever. But here’s the kicker: despite being less than three days away from All Out in Chicago, there’s no sign of May or her championship on the card. Maybe she’s too glamorous for a weekend gig, or maybe Tony Khan’s saving her for something even bigger. Either way, keep an eye out. This Glamour Queen isn’t fading anytime soon.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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