Folks, if you thought you’d seen it all, AEW All In Zero Hour just delivered a match that had more twists and turns than a roller coaster! In an explosive mixed tag team showdown, Tomohiro Ishii and Willow Nightingale took on Kris Statlander and the ever-entertaining Stokely Hathaway. And let me tell you, the result was nothing short of spectacular—unless you’re Stokely Hathaway, of course!

Coming off the high of his first victory since the Stone Age—okay, December 2018—Hathaway was riding into this match with some newfound confidence. He and Statlander were all set to continue their winning ways, but Ishii and Nightingale had other plans. In matching gear with Ishii, Nightingale kicked things off with a Spinebuster and a Big Boot that sent her former buddy Statlander reeling. Hathaway, ever the sneaky strategist, tripped Nightingale and sent her crashing to the outside, giving the heels an early advantage.

But this wasn’t your average tag match, folks. Statlander hit a suplex that shook the ring, but Nightingale wasn’t going down that easy. After a wicked reversal, she nailed Statlander with a Death Valley Driver that set the stage for the final showdown.

Now, here’s where things get interesting—Hathaway, clearly in the David role against Ishii’s Goliath, tried his best with chops and shoulder tackles that, well, didn’t quite do the trick. Statlander jumped in to help her partner, landing some impressive strikes on Ishii before Hathaway managed to hit a Spinebuster and a Stinger Splash. For a moment, it looked like Hathaway might just pull off the upset of the century.

But in the end, it was Nightingale who turned the tide, taking Statlander out of commission and leaving Hathaway helpless in the ring. With Hathaway right where he wanted him, Ishii delivered a Basement Clothesline that sealed the deal, earning the win for his team and reminding everyone why they call him “The Stone Pitbull.”

So, folks, chalk this one up as another tough loss for Stokely Hathaway, but what a ride it was! Tomohiro Ishii and Willow Nightingale came out on top, and they did it in style at AEW All In Zero Hour!

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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