In a stunning turn of events that can only be described as huge, folks—big league—WWE NXT Champion Ethan Page is set to face TNA’s own powerhouse, Joe Hendry, at No Mercy in Denver, Colorado, on September 1. Believe me, this showdown is going to be tremendous, possibly the most important match of all time. And if it’s not, then it should be.

Now, Ethan Page did everything under the sun—everything, folks—to stop Hendry from getting this golden opportunity. He pulled more stunts than a Hollywood action hero. He interrupted the match like a guy who just couldn’t find the exit at a buffet. You know the type—always in the way, never helpful. But despite all his tremendous efforts, it wasn’t enough. Because out of nowhere, just like a tariff on imported goods, Trick Williams stormed in. And folks, he made sure Hendry got the win, and let me tell you, it was huge.

In the main event Triple Threat between Hendry, Wes Lee, and Pete Dunne, Page stopped multiple referees from counting the winning fall—like a bouncer refusing to let in anyone without the right kind of shoes. But Trick Williams, showing the kind of instinct you’d expect from a winner, appeared out of nowhere and did what he does best—he leveled Dunne with the “Trick Knee.” That’s right, folks, the “Trick Knee”—a knee so tricky it could probably negotiate a peace deal. Then he draped Hendry across the knocked-out Dunne and sent in a new referee to count the fall. One, two, three—just like that, Joe Hendry is heading to No Mercy. And let me tell you, folks, it’s going to be yuge.

Hendry’s journey to this point has been nothing short of incredible. The man’s a former TNA Digital Media Champion, and he came this close to winning the TNA World Title at Slammiversary earlier this summer. He’s been impressing WWE fans left and right—like a politician kissing babies, folks. And now, with this monumental win on NXT, Hendry’s set to face Ethan Page in a clash that’s sure to shake the foundations of professional wrestling.

September 1st, No Mercy in Denver—mark your calendars, folks. Because when Hendry steps into the ring with Ethan Page, it’s going to be epic.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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