In the soap opera that is professional wrestling, where twists are more common than chairs to the back, Cody Rhodes, aka “The American Nightmare,” has just penned a plot twist that’s got everyone talking. While sitting down with Justin Walker, Cody dropped the bombshell that he’s sticking with WWE, making retirement plans go poof faster than you can say “cross Rhodes.”

“Yeah, about that retirement at 40 thing… Psych!” is essentially what Cody conveyed, revealing he’s signed a shiny new contract that’ll see him strutting in WWE beyond the big four-oh. So, for those who were already prepping their “Farewell, Cody” banners, you might want to stash them in the attic next to your Y2K survival kits.

But don’t think Rhodes plans to become WWE’s version of the Energizer Bunny. The man’s got a family and doesn’t fancy the idea of rocking spandex and elbow drops at an age where most are contemplating the virtues of lawn bowls. He’s seen his legendary dad, Dusty Rhodes, do the old man wrestling gig and, as a kiddo, found it tougher to watch than a slow-mo replay of a botched move.

“My daughter’s nearly three, and she’s probably wondering why daddy’s always dressed like a superhero but never around to play,” Cody might as well have said, hinting at a future where he swaps the ring for the swing set. He admits he’s hit his wrestling stride later than some, forgetting that he’s on the doorstep of 40, not just stepping into the ring.

Before Cody can think about hanging up his boots for storytime duties, he’s got a date with destiny – and Roman Reigns – at WrestleMania 40. And if that’s not spicy enough, he’s tagging with Seth Rollins against Reigns and The Rock in a match that could turn his championship dreams into a Hollywood nightmare.

So, as Cody rewrites his wrestling destiny, one thing’s for sure: retirement will just have to wait. And for fans, that means more time to revel in the drama, the triumphs, and yes, even the heartaches of one of wrestling’s most storied careers. WrestleMania 40, get ready – Cody Rhodes isn’t going anywhere just yet.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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