In a shocking turn of events, legendary WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair announced that after 13 wild years, his marriage to Wendy Barlow has ended. That’s right, folks, the man who’s survived plane crashes, heart surgeries, and too many elbow drops to count couldn’t survive the ultimate submission hold: marriage. And for those counting at home, this is marriage number FOUR for the Nature Boy. They say the fourth time’s the charm, but evidently, even a 16-time World Champion knows when to tap out.

Flair, ever the modest man, took to social media to confirm the news, because nothing says “amicable divorce” quite like a heartfelt Twitter thread. “Wendy and I enjoyed 13 great years,” said Flair, presumably while wearing a sequined robe and cutting a promo in his living room. “We have decided to part ways respectfully,” he added, which in Flair’s language probably translates to, “We didn’t need a referee for this one!”

Despite the split, Flair made it clear he’s grateful for Wendy’s support—especially when he was nearly KO’d by life itself back in 2017. “She never left my side!” exclaimed Ric, clearly still astounded that anyone could survive that close to his chaotic energy for more than a few days.

It’s been a rough year for The Nature Boy. Not only did he part ways with his wife, but he also found himself ejected from a pizza joint earlier this year—yes, you read that right—ejected from a pizza place. Apparently, his $1,000 tip couldn’t smooth things over after a situation with the staff got hotter than a pepperoni pizza fresh out of the oven. Woooo!

Flair’s recent stint in AEW was just as short-lived as a referee’s three-count. After appearing alongside Sting (as a parting gift and a promotion for his Wooooo! energy drink), Ric has been MIA. If that’s not a Flair flop of a year, I don’t know what is!

In the meantime, Flair’s got his own projects to focus on—likely involving a combination of body slams, energy drinks, and staying out of pizza parlors. As for Wendy? She’s probably just happy to live a life without hourly “Woooo!” sound effects in the background.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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