Folks, it’s been over nine months since Charlotte Flair graced us with her royal presence in a WWE ring. I mean, who doesn’t love a comeback story, especially one involving a 14-time Women’s Champion? The Queen last wrestled on December 8, 2023, during an epic SmackDown showdown against Asuka. But then, disaster struck—like, real disaster. Flair tore her ACL, MCL, and Meniscus all in one match! Let’s just say her knees took the kind of beating that makes you question your life choices. As of now, she’s still stuck on the sidelines, icing those joints like a Christmas ham.

But don’t fret, Flair fans—there’s hope on the horizon! Fightful Select (the people who have the backstage tea) reports that WWE is hatching some preliminary creative plans for Charlotte. Names like WWE Women’s Champion Nia Jax and the holder of the Money in the Bank contract, Tiffany Stratton, are being tossed around as potential opponents. So, there’s some buzz… but hold your horses, people. Flair isn’t medically cleared just yet. Nope, she’s still on the shelf, and it seems like it’s the deluxe, high-shelf stuff because she won’t be cleared anytime soon. Sources say these big plans won’t get rolling until she’s ready to throw on the gear again and hit the ropes.

Now, folks, I’ve got to say, 2024 is coming to an end quicker than Charlotte can slap on a Figure Eight, and insiders don’t think she’ll be back wrestling before the year is up. I mean, who would’ve thought she’d take a longer hiatus than my own golf swing! But hey, if anyone can bounce back faster than a trampoline in a hurricane, it’s The Queen. She’s been ahead of schedule all year, flexing her rehab videos on social media like a true superstar. Yet still, no official word on when we’ll see her pull off another top-rope moonsault.

One thing’s for sure, though: whenever Charlotte Flair returns, it’ll be HUGE. Bigger than any cage match, ladder match, or even a presidential debate. Believe me, she’ll be back, and when she does—Woo!

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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