Folks, get ready for this one, because Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy’s long-simmering feud is now so hot, it’s practically a dumpster fire with a side of orange juice. After Cassidy recently dumped $7,000 in loose change onto Jericho’s brand-new Bentley via bulldozer (because why not?), it’s safe to say Jericho has been feeling a bit… unhinged. What started with some good ol’ juice-dumping back in 2020 has now escalated into an all-out war of cars, coins, and questionable decisions.

Despite his Bentley’s newfound issues (namely, a serious case of being destroyed by a bulldozer), Jericho kept his head in the game and headlined the CMLL 91st Anniversary show. He took on Mistico (yes, folks, the former Sin Cara from WWE) in a Two-Out-of-Three Falls match that had more drama than an entire season of reality TV. Jericho, also known as “The Learning Tree” (a title that screams, “I’ve been around long enough to make everyone else look silly”), started strong by slapping on his signature Walls of Jericho and picking up the first fall.

But things got lucha crazy fast! Jericho, like the sneaky villain he is, ripped at Mistico’s mask, clearly thinking, “Why not throw in some old-school heel tactics?” Mistico fought back, nailing a Swanton Bomb and a Springboard Frogsplash to get the second fall. Jericho then got desperate—naturally—and called in some backup in the form of Big Bill, because nothing says “fair fight” like a seven-foot muscle mountain.

Unfortunately for Jericho, even with Big Bill’s interference, Mistico pulled off the victory! It was a classic underdog win that had the crowd on their feet. But if you thought Jericho would just accept the loss like a respectable villain, think again. He and Big Bill ambushed Mistico post-match, and folks, it was looking like Mistico was about to be turned into a wrestling pancake until Orange Cassidy showed up to save the day.

Cassidy, sunglasses on, strolled into the ring like it was just another Tuesday. He took Big Bill down with his classic Orange Punch, while Jericho fled the scene faster than his Bentley’s resale value dropped. Mistico then finished the job with a Missile Dropkick on Big Bill, and the two celebrated like champs. In a move that cemented the alliance, Cassidy even placed his iconic sunglasses on Mistico as the ultimate show of friendship—because nothing says “we’re cool” quite like a pair of shades.

Jericho, of course, will not let this go quietly. With Mistico having stepped into AEW territory before, you can bet Jericho’s next move will be as unpredictable and theatrical as ever. Maybe next time, he’ll retaliate with an orange juice tsunami or upgrade to a tank—you never know with Jericho.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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