Folks, it’s huge. Tremendous. Tenille Dashwood, or as we all know her from the wrestling world—Emma—has dropped the bombshell of the century. Forget titles, forget belts, she and her hubby Riddick Moss, that very strong man who once won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal, are expecting… a baby. That’s right, folks, the ultimate tag team partner is on the way.

Dashwood took to Instagram (which I have to say, tremendous app, okay? Even when it censors me—big mistake!) to share a raw, unedited video of the two lovebirds finding out the news. Now, when she says “unedited,” you know what that means? It means the only thing cut out were some words that could’ve caused a stock market crash. Very spicy! She said, and I quote, “This is the raw unedited version of us finding out the amazing news. Unedited other than the beeps over my language… my apologies.” Tremendous. Everyone knows sometimes life hits you with an uppercut and a few F-bombs just fly out, it’s totally normal, folks.

What else did she say? Oh, just that she was so nervous, she forgot to answer her husband’s questions! I get it. Very relatable. I’ve been there—well, not the baby part—but when something huge happens, even the best of us forgets to answer important questions. The suspense, she says, will be explained later. Gotta keep the viewers on the edge of their seats, tremendous move.

Now, let’s take a quick trip down memory lane. Dashwood was part of Triple H’s big “re-signing” spree in 2022. Tremendous. She came back five years after being cut loose in 2017, probably because they realized what a huge mistake that was. Then, in August 2022, she and Moss made their love story official. It’s a tale as old as time, folks—boy meets girl, they win some wrestling titles, they announce an engagement in June 2023, and tie the knot in March 2024. Classic romance.

But in a shocking twist, WWE decided to make room for new stars by releasing Dashwood and Moss in September 2023, alongside some other wrestling favorites like Elias, Mustafa Ali, and Shelton Benjamin. Unbelievable. I always said, you don’t fire champions, you keep them around—especially if they’re about to become parents. Missed opportunity, WWE!

Dashwood’s done it all—ROH, Impact, WWE—and now she’s about to take on her biggest challenge: motherhood. As for Moss, well, he’s got the 24/7 Championship under his belt. But let’s be real, his next championship? Dad of the Year.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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