Folks, gather ’round because the Bash in Berlin kicked off with a bang—or should I say, a hug? Our reigning Undisputed WWE Champion, Cody Rhodes, successfully defended his title against Kevin Owens in a match that had everything: high-flying moves, brutal submissions, and a knee injury angle that had us all biting our nails. But what really stole the show? The post-match bromance that could warm even the coldest Berlin night!

After a tense handshake, these two titans went at it, trading blows like they were fighting over the last bratwurst at a German beer festival. Rhodes, with his allegedly bum knee, still managed to lock Owens into a figure-four leg lock, but Owens powered through, getting to the ropes like a champ.

The match was a whirlwind of action—dives, cannonballs, frog splashes, and more kicks than a Rockette routine. Owens nearly had it with a brain buster from the ropes, but Rhodes just wouldn’t stay down. And when it seemed like Rhodes was on his last leg (literally), Owens showed his softer side, hesitating to deliver that brutal apron powerbomb. Rhodes capitalized, hitting Cross Rhodes after Cross Rhodes, but Owens kept coming back, refusing to quit like a true hero.

The finale was a nail-biter—Owens hit a Stunner that looked like it might be the end, but Rhodes kicked out, proving why he’s the champ. Then, after Owens missed a swanton, Rhodes finally nailed that last Cross Rhodes to secure the pin. And what happened next? Pure magic. Instead of animosity, we got a full-on bro-hug in the middle of the ring. Owens, ever the good sport, raised Rhodes’ arm in victory, showing that sometimes, friendship is the real winner.

So there you have it, folks—Cody Rhodes is still the top dog, Kevin Owens is still a class act, and Berlin got to witness a match that had it all, including a heartwarming ending that left us all feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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