Folks, we’ve got a new sheriff in town, and by “sheriff,” I mean a man who kicks like a mule, chokeslams like it’s going out of style, and doesn’t care much for the folks in the ring or the ones sitting in the cheap seats. Yes, the big man Donovan Dijak has made his unannounced, and very loud, debut at MLW’s Summer Of The Beasts on August 29, 2024. He came, he saw, and he absolutely hijacked the show.

Donovan Dijak didn’t just stroll into MLW—he barreled in like a bull in a china shop, except the china was a bunch of poor wrestlers who didn’t see it coming. With MLW manager Saint Laurent by his side, Dijak did what he does best: wreak havoc. Just ask Guido, who caught a foot to the face before he could even say, “I’m walking here!” LSG learned the hard way that Dijak’s chokeslams come with a free flight, but no soft landing. Jimmy Lloyd? Yep, he got kicked too. And when Nolo Kitano tried to introduce a chair to the situation, Dijak simply showed him the quickest way to take a nap—GTS style.

Saint Laurent, ever the hype man, grabbed the mic to let everyone know that Dijak isn’t here to fit in—he’s here to tear the place apart. Dijak then decided to hold a little Q&A session with one of his victims, Nolo Kitano, who, of course, had nothing to say—mostly because Dijak was too busy making him eat canvas. “Feast your eyes on the Dijak hijack of Major League Wrestling,” he declared, looking at his handiwork with the same pride a chef has after perfecting a soufflé.

And if you thought Dijak was going to play nice with the MLW roster, think again. He name-dropped the likes of Minoru Suzuki, Satoshi Kojima, Matt Riddle, and Tim Thatcher, only to trash them too. Dijak didn’t just come to MLW to win matches—he came to let everyone know they’re not even on his radar. “As far as I’m concerned, those four men are going to end up exactly like these four dead bodies,” Dijak announced, standing tall over the carnage he created.

Before dropping the mic and probably kicking it too, Dijak made one thing crystal clear: he’s gunning for the MLW World Heavyweight Championship. So, buckle up, MLW, because the Dijak hijack has just begun, and it’s going to be one wild ride.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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