Folks, what a night on WWE NXT! In a collision of wrestling worlds, the demonic Rosemary, a former TNA Knockouts Champion, made a spectacular entrance to challenge the rising star Kelani Jordan. And let me tell you, it was a match that had everyone on the edge of their seats—tremendous action, just tremendous!

Kelani Jordan, the NXT Women’s North American Champion, was all set for her upcoming No Mercy showdown against the nightmare known as Wendy Choo. But before she could even think about that, Choo promised a “surprise” opponent. And surprise it was, as the lights dimmed and the fearsome Rosemary crossed the threshold into NXT.

The match was nothing short of a thriller. Jordan, with the heart of a lion and the agility of a cat—believe me, folks, I’ve seen cats, lots of them—took the fight to Rosemary. A flatliner here, a dropkick there, and just when you thought Jordan had it, Rosemary hit back with a spear that could split a tree and a headbutt straight out of a nightmare. But in the end, it was Jordan who rose to the occasion, nailing a split-legged moonsault that would make even the most seasoned gymnast applaud.

But just when you thought it was over—bam! Wendy Choo, the ever-unpredictable, lights out, laughter echoing through the arena. Jordan, distracted by Choo’s eerie presence, never saw the sleeper hold coming. As the champion faded, Rosemary slid the title toward Choo, who held it high like a trophy. This, my friends, is how you build suspense—brilliant!

Rosemary’s debut marks another chapter in this wild WWE-TNA crossover, where worlds collide and sparks fly. With stars like Zachary Wentz and Joe Hendry also making their presence felt, NXT is quickly becoming the hottest ticket in town. Can Jordan survive this psychological warfare? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure—no one is safe when Rosemary and Choo are lurking in the shadows!

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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