Ladies and gentlemen, grab your popcorn because we’ve got ourselves a blockbuster wrestling showdown brewing! It appears that Will Ospreay, the human embodiment of aerial acrobatics and gravity-defying wizardry, has a bone to pick with his old pal, Ricochet. Yes, that Ricochet—the guy who once leaped off the ropes with more grace than a caffeinated cat and now reportedly has one foot in the door at AEW.

Rumor has it that Ricochet, the former WWE Intercontinental Champion and the self-proclaimed “One and Only,” is signing on the dotted line for a multi-year deal with AEW. And just like that, Ospreay, never one to miss a chance for a good ol’ fashioned callout, jumped on this news quicker than you can say “superkick party.”

During a recent chinwag with “TalkSport,” Ospreay took a break from being the Best in the World™ to send an urgent memo to his former rival: “Hey Ricochet, remember when you used to turn every wrestling ring into your personal Cirque du Soleil? Well, it’s time to dust off those tights, bruv, because I’m calling you out!”

Ospreay, who clearly has a PhD in Ricochetology, didn’t mince words: “You, without a shadow of a doubt, were the man. Dragon Gate, PWG, the indies—you were untouchable. So, I’m saying remind the world that you are one of the best to have ever done this s**t, man. Because if I believe it, then you’ve got to believe yourself now, boss.”

In a world where professional wrestling is packed tighter than a sardine can with over-the-top personalities, Ospreay’s challenge is not just a match invitation—oh no, it’s a full-on existential quest for Ricochet to rediscover the high-flying daredevil that once made fans gasp and opponents groan. Will Ricochet rise to the occasion? Will he prove that he’s still “The One and Only”? Or will he get lost in the mix like a headlock at a Lucha libre fiesta? Only time—and a sold-out AEW crowd—will tell.

One thing’s for sure: if this match goes down, gravity is going to need a neck brace.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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