Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round, because the SummerSlam saga just got juicier than a soap opera marathon! In a twist that could rival the plotlines of daytime TV, Liv Morgan successfully retained her WWE Women’s World Championship against Rhea Ripley, but not without a scandalous assist from Dominik Mysterio, who decided it was time for a little betrayal… with a side of romance!

The match was an electrifying spectacle, with chairs flying and tensions rising higher than Ripley’s hair on a humid day. Just when it seemed Ripley was about to smack Morgan into next week with a chair, Mysterio swooped in like a knight in shining spandex to stop her, turning the tide in Morgan’s favor. This distraction allowed our reigning champ to hit her signature move, Oblivion, for a heart-stopping near-fall.

As Ripley clung to the ropes, desperately trying to regain her balance, Mysterio, in a move more slippery than a greased pig at a county fair, slid the chair back into the ring. Then, climbing the apron like a circus performer, he distracted the referee, giving Morgan the perfect opportunity to land another Oblivion. This time, Ripley’s head met the chair, and Morgan snagged the pinfall quicker than you can say “plot twist!”

And if that wasn’t enough drama for one night, Ripley not only lost her shot at reclaiming the title but also her on-screen beau! In a moment that could make reality TV producers weep with envy, Mysterio and Morgan sealed their new alliance with a kiss that left Ripley fuming with rage. Yes, folks, the last time Ripley faced such a defeat was also courtesy of Morgan, back in May 2022 on WWE Raw. Talk about adding insult to injury!

Stay tuned, wrestling fans. If SummerSlam has taught us anything, it’s that love, betrayal, and a well-timed chair can make for one heck of a storyline.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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