Wrestling fans, brace yourselves! The stage is set for an electrifying showdown at Forbidden Door Zero Hour. After months of speculation and tantalizing teases on “AEW Dynamite,” the Lucha Brothers are ready to bring the heat alongside a CMLL legend in a match that promises to be a lucha libre spectacle.

For those who have been following the drama, the presence of lucha talent previously tied to AAA at AEW events has been a touchy subject. However, the barriers have come down, and it’s official: lucha libre stars are heading to Forbidden Door. Despite Rush’s storyline with MJF taking a different path, AEW made a thunderous announcement that has everyone buzzing.

In a video posted on X, Lexy Nair interviewed the Lucha Brothers and Alex Abrahantes, who teased something special for Forbidden Door. The interview was quickly interrupted by Hiromu Takahashi and Titan from Los Ingobernables de Japon, who threw down the gauntlet for a match at Forbidden Door, joined by their fellow LIJ member, Yota Tsuji. The Lucha Brothers didn’t hesitate to accept, but with a surprising twist.

Instead of teaming with their Death Triangle partner PAC, who is focused on the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, the Lucha Brothers revealed they would join forces with none other than CMLL legend Mistico. This jaw-dropping announcement was confirmed by AEW owner Tony Khan on X, ensuring that this match will indeed happen during Forbidden Door: Zero Hour.

For those thinking this is the first time these titans of lucha libre are teaming up, think again! The trio of Mistico, Penta, and Fenix previously joined forces in CMLL back in 2018, securing a victory against formidable opponents including Gilbert El Boricua (formerly Mil Muertes), Cibernetico, and The Chris.

This bout is more than just the Lucha Brothers’ debut at Forbidden Door; it’s a lucha libre All-Star match. Both Tsuji and Takahashi have extensive experience wrestling for CMLL during their New Japan Pro Wrestling excursions. Takahashi, in particular, made waves as Kamaitachi from 2014 through 2016, building a memorable rivalry with current WWE star Dragon Lee.

The match also continues the heated rivalry between Mistico and Takahashi, who recently clashed in CMLL during the FantasticaMania tour. Mistico came out on top in both singles and tag team matches, even challenging Takahashi to a mask vs. hair match. Whether that high-stakes challenge will be accepted remains to be seen, but the tension between these two is palpable.

Get ready for an unforgettable match at Forbidden Door: Zero Hour. The collision of AEW, NJPW, and CMLL stars promises to deliver high-flying action, dramatic storytelling, and a night of wrestling that fans will be talking about for years to come.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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