Folks, brace yourselves for the kind of news that’s wilder than a bucking bronco at a rodeo! AEW’s own Jon Moxley, the man with more titles than a library, made a surprise appearance at REVOLVER Another Friday in Dayton, Ohio. You heard it right, he’s the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion and a key member of the Blackpool Combat Club, yet he still finds time to pop up in indie shows like an unpredictable jack-in-the-box.

Now, let’s talk about the chaos. Moxley swooped in to help Zachary Wentz, Masha Slamovich, and Crash Jaxon against The Unit, a trio so tough they probably bench press bulldozers for fun. The AEW wild card had a special message for JT Dunn: a Death Rider straight to the mat, followed by a not-so-gentle suggestion to REVOLVER owner Sami Callihan to fire Dunn. Callihan, apparently running his promotion like a high-stakes reality TV show, obliged without batting an eyelash. You’re fired!

For those of you who remember the good ol’ days, Moxley and Callihan go way back, like bacon and eggs. They were the dynamic duo known as The Switchblade Conspiracy before WWE came calling. Moxley morphed into Dean Ambrose, a name that struck fear into hearts, while Callihan tried his luck as Solomon Crowe. Their reunion at REVOLVER was like watching two old friends wreak havoc at a high school reunion, but with more blood and less awkward small talk.

The Friday night shenanigans didn’t stop with Moxley’s rampage. The lineup boasted heavy hitters from Impact/TNA Wrestling, including Alex Shelley, “Speedball” Mike Bailey, Ethan Page, and Rich Swann. With a roster like that, the show was hotter than a jalapeño in a heatwave. And let’s not forget, Dayton, Ohio is just a hop, skip, and a suplex away from Moxley’s hometown of Cincinnati. It was practically a hometown hoedown!

Now, looking ahead, Moxley’s dance card is filling up faster than a buffet line at a wrestling convention. First, he’s squaring off against Konosuke Takeshita in a Title Eliminator match at AEW Double or Nothing. If Takeshita wins, he gets a shot at the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. Then, it’s off to NJPW Dominion on June 9 to defend his title against EVIL. Talk about a busy schedule! Someone get this man a calendar and a clone!

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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