Alright, gather ’round folks! This past Monday on “WWE Raw,” it looked like we were watching a feel-good movie when Sami Zayn, our beloved Intercontinental Champion, secured a victory. But quicker than you can say “plot twist,” Chad Gable turned the feel-good story on its head. After helping his buddy to a sweet win, Gable gave Zayn a not-so-friendly reminder that in WWE, friends can become foes in a heartbeat. He delivered a German suplex followed by an Ankle Lock that had the crowd gasping louder than a crowd at a surprise birthday party.

And just when you thought the dust had settled, Gable hopped on the social media train, defending his actions with the gusto of a politician on the campaign trail. He insists Zayn “had it coming.” It seems Gable’s been stewing like a pot of mama’s chili, thinking he should have been the one to take down GUNTHER. Remember their feud last year? It was hotter than a firecracker on the Fourth of July, and some fans even thought Gable would be the hero to end GUNTHER’s epic title run.

But here’s where it gets spicy: Gable’s been playing coach to Zayn, helping him gear up to snag the title from GUNTHER at WrestleMania 40. Now, it looks like Gable’s decided if you can’t join ’em, beat ’em. And beat ’em he did, right in front of Zayn’s family, no less. Talk about drama!

As for GUNTHER, the guy’s been quieter than a church mouse since WrestleMania, but don’t count him out yet. He’s like that relative who shows up unexpectedly at family reunions—just when you think he’s out of the picture, there he is, and you better believe he’s not just there for the potato salad.

So, what’s next for our WWE soap opera? Keep your eyes peeled, because if WWE’s known for anything, it’s that the drama’s just getting started. And next time Gable gets a mic, expect fireworks. After all, this is WWE, where the next chapter is always just a body slam away.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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