Hold onto your hats, folks, because WWE Raw just threw us a curveball that’s got everyone talking! Last night, Rhea Ripley, with all the grace of a freight train in a bad mood, had to give up her WWE Women’s World Championship—a title she’s fiercely defended since knocking Charlotte Flair off her throne at WrestleMania 39. And why, you ask? Because of a backstage brawl with Liv Morgan that went from zero to “yikes” faster than you can say “pinfall.”

But here’s the kicker: the WWE isn’t one to let a championship belt collect dust. Nope, they’ve got plans bigger than a main event marquee—next week, we’re crowning a new queen of the ring! The details are still as mysterious as The Undertaker on a foggy night, but we know this much: there’s going to be a showdown for the ages to claim that vacant title.

And who might throw their hat in the ring? Well, Liv Morgan’s already thrown down the gauntlet, declaring her “Revenge Tour” isn’t just a catchy slogan—it’s her one-way ticket to championship glory. The rest of the lineup is anybody’s guess, and WWE’s keeping it tighter than Miz’s game face at a title match.

So, what can we expect? A gauntlet match? A royal rumble? A dance-off? Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea—it’s going to be epic. And with Liv Morgan in the mix, it’s guaranteed to be more drama-filled than a season finale.

Tune in next week, because whatever WWE’s got up its sleeve for crowning the new Women’s World Champion, it’s sure to be a showstopper. Will Liv Morgan’s tour end with a championship, or will another superstar step up and steal the spotlight? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure: Monday nights just got a lot more interesting.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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