In the whirlwind world of women’s wrestling, Deonna Purrazzo is keeping her eyes on not one, but two glittering prizes. While she’s gunning for the AEW Women’s Championship, she’s also not forgotten a certain rematch she’s owed over at Ring of Honor. During a chat with PWMania, “The Virtuosa” made it clear she’s still got unfinished business with the ROH Women’s World Championship.

“I think [I’d be interested in facing Athena],” Purrazzo mused, reflecting on her previous tussles for the title. She lost the ROH belt to Mercedes Martinez in a high-stakes bout on “AEW Dynamite” back in May 2022—a debut that ended in her tapping out to a surfboard dragon sleeper, no less.

But Purrazzo isn’t one to dwell on the past without planning her next move. “I never got a rematch, so I feel like if I wanted, I have a stake at that championship as well,” she stated, laying down a verbal gauntlet that might just echo all the way to Athena’s corner.

Speaking of Athena, she’s been reigning over the ROH Women’s division like it’s her personal kingdom, recently defending her title against Red Velvet at “Battle of the Belts.” With her championship reign nearing the 500-day mark, Athena’s not just sitting on the throne; she’s practically cemented to it.

But let’s not put the cart before the horse. Purrazzo has her sights set on the AEW Women’s Championship too, with a match lined up against Mariah May on “Dynamite.” It’s a juggling act of championship proportions, and Purrazzo is ready to show the wrestling world just how well she can handle multiple challenges.

So, as Purrazzo lines up her shots at gold across two major wrestling promotions, fans are in for a treat. Whether she’s clashing with Toni Storm or potentially squaring off against Athena, one thing’s for sure: Deonna Purrazzo is playing to win, and she’s not shy about making that crystal clear.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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