In the world of wrestling, where the drama outside the ring can sometimes eclipse what happens inside, a tag team tussle has emerged that’s got more back-and-forth than a presidential debate. The Boys, Brandon and Brent Tate, have found themselves at the center of a storyline that not even the best wrestling writers could script, involving none other than AEW/ROH’s Tony Khan.

Following Khan’s claim that the Tates had been no-shows ahead of the Supercard of Honor, the tag team felt compelled to tag themselves in on social media to address their side of the story. Brandon Tate, in a post that read like a carefully worded press release from a politician in hot water, explained their silence was out of respect for ROH’s big night. However, Khan’s comments turned their quiet exit into headline news.

“Our travel got more mixed up than a salad at a state dinner,” Brandon might as well have said, detailing how, for the first time, their flights were booked from Nashville instead of their home base in Knoxville. This logistical hiccup led to their release, which, according to the duo, was explained away as a budget cut during a call that felt more like being voted off an island than a professional discussion.

Tony Khan, not one to let the story run wild without a counter, stepped into the ring with a response that was part olive branch, part steadfast defense. At a press conference, he expressed a mixture of professional respect and personal affection for The Boys, along with a readiness to potentially tag back in with them down the road. Yet, he remained firm in his stance, suggesting the travel issues were part of a recurring pattern.

“This whole situation has more layers than my grandma’s lasagna,” Khan could’ve said, hinting at the complexities behind the scenes. While he disagreed with The Boys’ take on the travel debacle, he acknowledged their contributions and didn’t close the door on future collaborations.

As for The Boys, they’re left weighing their options, perhaps pondering whether the wrestling ring or the political arena has more unexpected twists. Meanwhile, wrestling fans are left watching this saga unfold, reminded that the real action often happens outside the spotlight.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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