In what can only be described as a booking decision that probably caused the matchmaker’s brain to overheat, AEW’s Dynasty PPV card has just thrown in a curveball spicy enough to make a jalapeño look like a cucumber. Adam Copeland, fresh off a TNT title defense that had more drama than a reality TV show finale, finds himself in a six-man tag match that reads like the start of a particularly bizarre joke.

The setup? Post-victory, Copeland is chilling in the ring, probably contemplating what flavor of protein shake he’s going to celebrate with, when the lights do the ol’ now-you-see-me, now-you-don’t trick. And voila, Malaki Black materializes like a goth magician, with Buddy Matthews sneaking up behind Copeland like he’s trying to scare him at a haunted house.

Just as the House of Black starts to look like they’re about to redecorate the ring with Copeland, in dashes Mark Briscoe, followed by Eddie Kingston, turning the ring into a makeshift superhero convention. The baddies retreat because, let’s face it, nobody wants to mess with Eddie Kingston unless they absolutely have to.

By the end of the night, backstage alliances form quicker than friendships at summer camp, with Copeland, Briscoe, and Kingston throwing down the gauntlet for a Dynasty showdown. It’s like they decided to form a band, but instead of guitars, they’re wielding fists.

Meanwhile, Briscoe and Kingston are set to duke it out over the ROH World Championship at Supercard of Honor, because apparently, they enjoy fighting each other so much, they’ll do it for free on a Friday night. It’s like seeing two chefs argue over who makes the best cheesesteak in Philly, then team up to take on the rest of the culinary world.

As for the history lesson, Kingston and Briscoe have more baggage than an airport carousel, having tussled in tag action back when the world was younger, and dinosaurs roamed free (or so it feels). Briscoe’s beef with House of Black is well-documented, while Kingston’s interaction with them could be summed up with a shrug and a “meh.” And Copeland? He’s the new kid on the block, making this matchup the equivalent of jumping into the deep end to see if he can swim.

So, what do we have here? A match that promises more twists and turns than a soap opera scriptwriter’s notebook. AEW Dynasty isn’t just putting on a wrestling show; they’re cooking up a stew where every ingredient is a surprise, and the fans are here for the taste test. Get ready, because this match is serving up chaos with a side of mayhem, and nobody knows the recipe.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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