In the world of wrestling, where the action is as heated as a summer BBQ in Texas, Kenny Omega has become somewhat of a Michelin Guide for what constitutes the crème de la crème of matches. Having danced under the five-star spotlight a staggering 25 times, Omega decided to host a masterclass on Twitch, not on how to achieve these illustrious ratings, but rather, on what grinds his gears about them.

In a world where star ratings are tossed around like confetti at a wedding, Omega, the former AEW World Champion and wrestling connoisseur, dove deep into the art and science behind scoring a match. “You know what bugs me?” Omega mused, likely adjusting his hypothetical professor’s glasses, “It’s the fluff. Yes, the fluff.”

He’s not talking about the kind you find in your favorite marshmallow spread, but rather, the unnecessary razzle-dazzle some wrestlers throw in between the real meat of the match. Omega, in his infinite wrestling wisdom, pointed out a recent NJPW match that Meltzer showered with five stars—a match Omega viewed as more style than substance.

To Omega, a five-star match isn’t just a display of technical prowess; it’s a Shakespearean drama that unfolds on the mat, a cultural phenomenon that should be etched into the annals of wrestling history. It should start movements, not just sequences of moves.

So, when 2024’s matches are getting five stars like Oprah giving away cars, Omega can’t help but roll his eyes. “For a fluff-filled match to claim it’s culturally significant? That’s like saying instant noodles are haute cuisine. Go fly a kite. Suck on a lemon,” Omega opined, in what might be the most Omega way to express discontent.

It’s clear that for Omega, the path to wrestling immortality isn’t paved with gold stars but with genuine, heart-stopping, history-making moments. And to those matches just filling the space with acrobatics? You’re not fooling the professor of the five-star match. He’s grading on a curve, and it’s steep.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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