In a move that surprised exactly zero people who’ve been paying attention, Ace Austin has decided to keep his wrestling boots firmly laced up with TNA Wrestling. That’s right, folks, in an industry where loyalty is often as fleeting as a cameo appearance, Austin’s penning his next chapter with the promotion that saw him soar from rookie to high-flying, title-snatching sensation.

Our very own Denise Salcedo, who apparently moonlights as wrestling’s version of Sherlock Holmes, uncovered the scoop in an interview with Austin himself. The details of this deal are shrouded in mystery, much like the plot of a wrestling storyline, but it’s rumored to be a multi-year affair that makes Austin’s previous 2022 contract look like a high school fling.

Flashback to June 2018, and you’d find a fresh-faced Austin making his TNA debut, likely wondering if the catering was always this good. Fast forward through a whirlwind of sporadic appearances, and by 2019, he’s signing on the dotted line, officially swapping wrestling gigs for a steady relationship with TNA.

Then came Bound for Glory 2019, a night when Austin climbed a ladder not just to change a lightbulb but to snag his first X-Division title in a five-way match that had more ups and downs than my last diet. He gripped that belt tight for nearly half a year, proving that yes, you can indeed have nice things in wrestling. His subsequent runs with the X-Division title were shorter, but hey, quality over quantity, right?

2023 and into the celestial wrestling year of 2024 saw Austin finding his tag team soulmate in Chris Bey. Together, they nabbed the TNA Tag Team titles not once, but twice, flaunting that gold like it was going out of style. That is until The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers) decided they wanted a turn, snatching the titles at March’s Sacrifice.

So, why stick around? Freedom, baby. According to Austin, TNA offers a kind of wild, untamed liberty that’s as rare in wrestling as a polite online fan debate. It’s a place where he can chase the TNA World title, dabble in stunt work, and maybe even land a role as the villain in a B-movie.

In the end, Ace Austin’s tale is one of loyalty, ambition, and the kind of freedom that only comes when you’re allowed to jump off things for a living. Here’s to more high-flying, title-chasing adventures in TNA, where the options are as open as a wrestler’s schedule post-retirement.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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